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Steven Universe is an animated series created by Rebecca Sugar, former writer of Adventure Time. The cartoon tells the story of Steven Quartz Universe who lives in Beach City with the Crystal Gems – Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst, guardians who help protect the world from their own kind. Steven is half human and half Gem. The episode “A Story for Steven” tells how his father met his mother. At the end of a concert on a beach, the young Mister Universe discovers that he has played to an audience of one. She is Rose. After the last song, Greg talks to her, gives her a CD and goes to get a T-shirt in her size from the van, but Rose disappears. He goes after the “mysterious huge pink woman” to deliver the gift and thus also meets the other Crystal Gems. Then he gives her the “Mr. Universe” T-shirt. Greg then decides to stay in town for Rose, who he has fallen in love with since the first time he saw her.
See the item in scene:
Year: 2015
Season 1, episode 48 - "A Story for Steven"
Characters: Greg and Rose
● Official Cozmo Product.
● Manufactured & Printed in the A.R.E.
● 100% High Quality Cotton, Comfy and Looks Great.
● Design Will Not Fade, Peel or Crack Even After
Washing Multiple times.
● Cutting-Edge Digitally Printed Logos.
● Ready to Order. Takes 2-5 Business Days to Work
Our Magic.
Steven Universe is an animated series created by Rebecca Sugar, former writer of Adventure Time. The cartoon tells the story of Steven Quartz Universe who lives in Beach City with the Crystal Gems – Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst, guardians who help protect the world from their own kind. Steven is half human and half Gem. The episode “A Story for Steven” tells how his father met his mother. At the end of a concert on a beach, the young Mister Universe discovers that he has played to an audience of one. She is Rose. After the last song, Greg talks to her, gives her a CD and goes to get a T-shirt in her size from the van, but Rose disappears. He goes after the “mysterious huge pink woman” to deliver the gift and thus also meets the other Crystal Gems. Then he gives her the “Mr. Universe” T-shirt. Greg then decides to stay in town for Rose, who he has fallen in love with since the first time he saw her.
See the item in scene:
Series: Steven Universe
Year: 2015
Season 1, episode 48 - "A Story for Steven"
Characters: Greg and Rose
● Official Cozmo Product.
● Manufactured & Printed in the A.R.E.
● 100% High Quality Cotton, Comfy and Looks Great.
● Design Will Not Fade, Peel or Crack Even After
Washing Multiple times.
● Cutting-Edge Digitally Printed Logos.
● Ready to Order. Takes 2-5 Business Days to Work
Our Magic.
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Mini Bio
A team of intergalactic warriors fights to protect the Earth, but the combination of three highly trained beings and one quirky young boy leaves the team struggling to overcome the dangerous scenarios that are put in front of them.